November - Annual Joint Meeting of ASME/ASABE/SME/SAE
Annual Joint Meeting of ASME/ASABE/SME/SAE
“Overcoming Adversity”
For additional information or questions please contact:
Ben Heimbuch
Program Chair
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
Voice: (319) 292-6362
Fax: (309) 749-0497
We encourage Spouses, Friends, and Significant Others to attend.
Members – $25
Students – $10
Non-Members – $27
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Central Iowa Section
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Mississippi Valley Section
The theme for this year's meeting is: Overcoming Adversity
Registrations were due November 9th.
Please mark your calendar and register to attend this event.
Date – Thursday, November 11th, 2010
Meeting Location – Ramada & Five Sullivan Brother Convention Center, 205 W. 4th Street, Waterloo, IA
4:00 – 5:00 pm – Registration & Social Hour
5:00 – 6:00 pm – Concurrent Technical Sessions
6:00 – 6:45 pm – Social Hour
6:45 – 7:30 pm – Buffet Dinner
7:30 – 8:00 pm – Keynote Speaker
Technical Sessions
1. "Young Engineers for Rapid Engineering Design" - Matt Darr (Iowa State University – Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering)
Cutting edge development and diagnostics tools are regularly used in industry to simplify designs and increase the efficiency of product validation. This presentation will discuss how industry-university partnerships can enhance student exposure and competencies in advanced design tools including dynamic modeling, vehicle network integration, and product validation.
2. “Designing Valves for the Nuclear Renaissance” – Trent Johnson (Emerson-Fischer)
Discussion of the background and challenges facing control valve design for the next generation nuclear power plants.
3. "Using Six Sigma Methodology to Solve Vibration Problem" – Bob Place (John Deere)
A factual example of using six sigma techniques to solve vibration problems in an IVT transmission at transport speeds.
Keynote Speaker - Craig Hanson, P.E. (Cedar Rapids Public Works)
Craig is the Maintenance Manager for Cedar Rapids Public Works and will present on the Floods of 2008. Craig's Bio is as follows:
BS Industrial Engineering – Iowa State, 82
MS Management – Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA – 88
MS Mech Engineering - Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA – 95
PE – IA (03) and CT (89)
Retired Naval Officer of 21 years and has been with the City of Cedar Rapids for 7 years. His current position is Public Works Maintenance Manager leading 120 staff members in the routine maintenance of over 620 mile/1400 lane miles of streets, forestry, 650 miles of sanitary, and over 400 miles of storm lines plus traffic control program with 30,000 signs inventory and 8,000 gallons of line painting per year.
Craig’s presentation will include:
- What led to the Floods of 2008 - the winter of 2007/2008 was 2nd worst ever
- Time line of events
- Devastation/what it did
- Interim flood protection
- Long term protection – What has been analyzed/proposed/completed to prevent natural disasters like this in the future
- How to reduce the future risk.
- What is the part of an engineer? Ethics, response in a technical manner, critical choices (saved a bridge)
Click on the below link or paste it into a web browser for directions to the meeting location:
Dinner Costs
Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), Waterloo Chapter
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), Iowa Section