Society of Manufacturing Engineers

Chapter No. 186

Waterloo, Iowa USA

SME Chapter 186 was awarded a Platinum Medal for chapter activities in 2020, 2021, and 2022.

SME Chapter 186 was previously awarded a Gold Medal in 2011, 2019 and Silver Medal in 2017, 2018.

Recognition rating is based on four different areas:  Professional Development, Communications, Advancement of Manufacturing, and Merit.



Mission/Vision Statement


SME chapter 186 serves the local manufacturing community, including professionals and students. We facilitate networking and education through local tours, knowledge sharing, professional certifications, and presentations.  In addition, we partner with local educators, volunteer our time, and promote manufacturing skills, knowledge, and awareness in the communities and schools in which we live and work.  Chapter 186 has members from across the U.S., but mainly represents an area from around the Cedar Valley, Cedar Rapids, and Iowa City areas.

IMTS 2022 Bus Trip for Cedar Valley students

How do I become a member?

 Click here to join SME.


Click on the 2025 Chapter Events link on the left for monthly meeting information and registration.