June - 2014 SME / CVMA Golf Outing
The 11th Annual SME / CVMA Golf Outing
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Red Carpet Golf Club
Waterloo, Iowa
The format will be a four person scramble with shotgun start at 12:00 pm (Noon).
A ten oz. rib eye steak dinner will be served one half hour (approx. 4:30 pm) after golf is completed.
Income from this golf outing provides scholarships to student members in the Industrial Tech programs at local colleges.
We are again presenting the opportunity for all Business Participants to become "Hole Sponsors". For the cost of $100, we will provide a sign printed with the sponsor's name or logo. The sign will be placed near a Tee Box or green accompanied with a hole game. By purchasing a sponsor sign, your name or logo will be present on one of the 18 holes, along with the hole game sheet giving your business maximum exposure, if you would like to also donate the hole prize to go along with your sponsored hole game, that would be greatly appreciated but not necessary. Hole sponsors and prizes will then be announced and given away during the banquet following the tournament. Prize Donations are welcomed and will be given away with recognition to you or your company!
We extend a big Thank You to all 2013 teams that participated along with all the business support we received. These donations enable us to present college scholarships to Industrial Technology students.
This is what the SME/CVMA Golf Outing is all about.
Please help make this a success again this year.
The SME/CVMA Golf Outing is great fun giving all those who participate the opportunity to show appreciation to their suppliers and/or customers or just enjoy an afternoon away from the office.
Thank you ahead of time for your support in the forthcoming 2014 SME/CVMA Golf Outing.
10:00 – 11:45 am Registration
12:00 pm (Noon) Shotgun Start
4:00 – 4:30 pm Social Time
4:30 pm Dinner
5:00 pm Prizes Awarded
Link for a map to the Red Carpet Golf Course:
Registration Information: 4-person scramble:
Entry fee of $65.00 per person includes 18 holes, cart, dinner, and prizes.
Foursome $ 260.00
Twosome $ 130.00
Single $ 65.00
Dinner Only $ 20.00
Hole Sponsor $ 100.00
Payment and registration due by June 6, 2014
If there are questions please contact:
Ryan Wisenbach
Golf Outing Chair
Updated: 07-April-2014 | Webmaster
Copyright © SME Chapter 186