June - 2009 SME / CVMA Golf Outing

The Seventh Annual SME / CVMA Golf Outing

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Red Carpet Golf Club

Waterloo, Iowa

The format will again be a four person best shot with shotgun start at 12:00 pm (Noon). A ten oz. rib eye steak dinner will be served after golf is completed.

We are again presenting the opportunity for all Business Participants to become "Hole Sponsors". For the cost of $100, we will provide a sign printed with the sponsor's name or logo. The sign will be placed on Tee #1 in a "Field of Sponsors". Instead of purchasing a hole sponsor place on one of the 18 holes, your sign will be placed by the Red Carpet Golf Clubhouse giving your business maximum exposure to everyone attending before the tournament, during the tournament, as well as when prizes are given and the steak dinner is served.

We extend a Thank You to all 2008 Business supported teams including all other teams that participated along with the “Field of Sponsors” that enabled us to present scholarships to two Industrial Technology students. This is what the SME / CVMA Golf Outing is all about.

Please help us again this year.

The SME/CVMA Golf Outing is great fun giving all those who participate the opportunity to show appreciation to their suppliers and/or customers or just enjoy an afternoon away from the office.

Thank you in advance for your support in the 2009 SME / CVMA Golf Outing.


10:00 – 11:45 am Registration

12:00 pm (Noon) Shotgun Start

4:00 – 4:30 pm Social Time

4:30 pm Dinner

5:00 pm Prizes Awarded

Link for a map to the Red Carpet Golf Course:


Registration Form:

Entry fee of $60.00 per person includes 18 holes, cart, dinner, and prizes.

Foursome $ 240.00

Twosome $ 120.00

Single $ 60.00

Dinner Only $ 20.00

Hole Sponsor $ 100.00






Phone # E-mail address

Golf Team Name: ________________________________________________

Golfer’s Names: ________________________________________________




Payment and registration is due June 1, 2009

Make checks payable to:

SME Chapter 186

Mail checks and registration form to:

SME Chapter 186

P.O. Box 1266

Waterloo, IA 50704

If there are questions please contact:

Joan Kennison



Updated: 18-Apr-2009 | Webmaster

Copyright © SME Chapter 186