November Volunteering - NE Iowa Food Bank


November 2022 Volunteering Event

NE Iowa Food Bank, Waterloo, IA

RSVP due: November 11, 2022

Registration closes on RSVP date or when the total volunteer number reaches 20.

Please be sure to register so we can accommodate all attendees.

Date: Thursday, November 17th, 2022

Meeting Details:

SME Chapter 186 and ASQ would like to welcome you to join us in volunteering with NE Iowa Food Bank. This event will consist of a daily operations tour, a volunteer project, a tour of the facility with a Q&A, and a meal. Please wear closed-toe shoes and comfortable clothing to this event.


NE Iowa Food Bank

1605 Lafayette St. Waterloo, IA 50703, PO Box 2397


2:25pm - Arrive at NEIFB

2:30pm - Warehouse Tour

- Daily operations, logistics

2:55pm - Break and prep for Volunteering

3:00pm - Volunteer Project

4:30pm - Tour

- Tour of facility, Overview of what we do and who we are

- Q and A

5:15pm - Shared Meal TBA (Please contact us at for dietary restrictions)


SME and Joint Members: $25; Students: $10; Retirees: $15; Non-members: $30

We encourage Spouses, Friends, and Significant Others to attend.

For additional information or questions please e-mail the chapter at:

NEIFB Nov2022.pdf